On-line registration and abstract submission for the HDIR-7 Meeting are OPEN.

Abstract submission deadline is October 14.

Abstract should be written in English, unstructured (no subheadings), with max. 2,500 characters including spaces. The person submitting the abstract will be considered as the presenting author. Book of abstracts will be in electronic format only and available on-line.

Poster must be written in English language. The poster dimensions should be maximum 120 cm high and 90 cm wide (portrait orientation). The organizers will provide the material necessary to pin the poster.

Short oral presentation must be in English language and last 15 minutes strictly (10 min talk + 5 min discussion).

Short oral presenters do not need to bring also the poster.

The EACR Poster Prizes – The European Association for Cancer Research is pleased to provide the support towards prizes for outstanding posters presented at the meeting.